SAM interface conversion in Kotlin 1.4

Tan Jun Rong avatar

Tan Jun Rong

Kotlin 1.4 has just been released. The update includes a convenience syntax for SAM (Single Abstract Method) conversion.

Let's take a look at the code.

Before 1.4, when we have a SAM interface:

fun main() {
    // before Kotlin 1.4
    testing(object: Callback {
        override fun doStuff() {
            println("Hello, world!!!")

fun testing(callback: Callback) {

interface Callback {
    fun doStuff()

Link to Kotlin Playground: pre-kotlin1_4.kt

After upgrading to Kotlin 1.4, we can simplify it like this:

fun main() {
    // after Kotlin 1.4+
    testing {
    	println("Hello, world!!!")    

fun testing(callback: Callback) {

fun interface Callback { /* <---- add the fun keyword here */
    fun doStuff()

Link to Kotlin Playground: after-upgrading-to-kotlin1_4.kt

Note: we will have to add the fun keyword in front of the interface otherwise it will not work.

Bonus Tip: Android Studio

If you are using this in Android Studio and have already upgraded to 1.4 but still getting red underline, you will need to update the Kotlin version in the IDE for it to work. Here are the 2 changes that you need.

1. adding in app/build.gradle
android {
    compileOptions {
        kotlinOptions {
+            languageVersion = "1.4"       
2. Change the Kotlin version in Preference/Settings
Screenshot from 2020-08-20 18-13-29
Screenshot from 2020-08-20 18-13-29

After changing these settings, the red underline should go away when on this line:

fun interface Callback { <----
    fun doStuff()

That's all for now, thanks for reading! ☕️

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Written By

Tan Jun Rong

Android Programmer who likes writing blogs, reading, coffee, snowboarding.
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