Dagger 2 for Android, Part IV ー The @Scope Annotation
In this article, I will talk about how to use the @Scope

This is part of my Dagger 2 blog series:
- Dagger 2 for Android, Part I ー What is Dependency Injection?
- Dagger 2 for Android, Part II ー The Basic Usage
Dagger 2 for Android, Part III ー The @Qualifier and @Named Annotation
- Dagger 2 for Android, Part IV ー The @Scope Annotation (you are here!) - Dagger 2 for Android, Part V ー @Inject for Constructor Injection
- Dagger 2 for Android, Part VI ー @Component.Builder and @BindsInstance
The code example used in this article will be written in Kotlin for Android development.
Pre-requiresite: Understanding basic usage of Dagger 2: @Inject
, Provides
, @Module
, and @Component
. Read Part I, II above if you haven't 😀 👆
Why we need @Scope?
Recap of the basic usage
For Dagger dependency injection, we have a Component
, which includes some Modules
. The modules prepare some dependencies with @Provide
. So whenever we try to ask for a dependency with @Inject
, Dagger will make a new instance and provide it to us.
I won't go into details in this section since it is assumed this part is covered in more detail in Part I, II & III. So this is only a quick recap! 👇
Let's take a look at this basic usage:
- Component
@Component(modules = [AnimalModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(activity: ScopeActivity)
- Module
class AnimalModule {
fun provideSnoopy(): Dog = Dog("Snoopy")
- Dog
data class Dog(val name: String)
- Usage in Activity
class ScopeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var snoopy1: Dog
lateinit var snoopy2: Dog
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
dogTextView1.text = "injected: ${snoopy1.name}"
dogTextView2.text = "injected: ${snoopy2.name}"
This will produce the following:

Dagger makes new instance for 'unscoped' dependency
Noticed that there are 2 usages of @Inject
above. While snoopy1
and snoopy2
look almost identical. However, they are actually a different instance.
Let's make some changes so that we can see the difference 👀.
By adding dogCount
, we can see that even they have the same name, the 2 snoopies are actually a different instance.
- data class Dog(val name: String)
+ data class Dog(val name: String, val count: Int)
class MainApplication : Application() {
+ companion object {
+ var dogCount = 0
+ }
class AnimalModule {
- fun provideSnoopy(): Dog = Dog("Snoopy")
+ fun provideSnoopy(): Dog = Dog("Snoopy", dogCount++)
We increase dogCount
everytime a Dog
is instantiated. 👆
class ScopeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// ... omitted
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ... omitted
- dogTextView1.text = "injected: ${snoopy1.name}"
- dogTextView2.text = "injected: ${snoopy2.name}"
+ dogTextView1.text = "injected: ${snoopy1}"
+ dogTextView2.text = "injected: ${snoopy2}"
I removed .name
, so that kotlin data class will print all it's value. 👆
This will produce:

Notice that the first snoopy has count = 0
and the second one has count = 1
This is because they are NOT scoped. So everytime we asked for the dependency using @Inject
, it will produce a new instance as described in AnimalModule
's @Provide
@Scope to the rescue!
In order to re-use the same instance, we can use @Scope
Let's continue with our example, we will add a new dependency called Turtle
data class Turtle(val name: String, val count: Int)
We will then make Turtle
to have become a 'scoped' dependency, and Dog
will remain to be a 'non-scoped' one.
There are 3 places we need to make addition for scope to work.
Add the scope itself in a new file:
import javax.inject.Scope
annotation class ApplicationScope
This file is to create a new scope using the @Scope
annotation. The name of the class can be anything. You can even rename ApplicationScope
to become ASDFScope
and it will still work.
Optional reading
As you might have noticed,@Scope
is define byjavax.inject
package. So you cannot change this word.javax.inject
is a standard, Dagger is a library implementing this standard.
- Component
After adding a new scope ApplicationScope
, this scope by itself doesn't do anything, because we haven't told Dagger about it.
So let's tell Dagger abou tit here in our AppComponent
@Component(modules = [AnimalModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(activity: ScopeActivity)
By adding this line here, we are telling Dagger that AppComponent
has ApplicationScope
. So whenever we use @Provides
annotation in any Modules
under AppComponent
, we can add @ApplicationScope
to make Dagger give us the same instance of dependency.
- Module
So here, let's see it in action, we will addprovideTurtle()
along with@ApplicationScope
class AnimalModule {
fun provideSnoopy(): Dog = Dog("Snoopy")
+ @Provides
+ @ApplicationScope
+ fun provideTurtle(): Turtle = Turtle("Master Oogway", turtleCount++)
Noticed that provideTurtle()
has the same @ApplicationScope
as the AppComponent
. When we request for a dependency from the same AppComponent
which has the same scope, we will obtain the exact same instance!
- Finally, add 2 turtles in the
class ScopeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// ... omitted
+ @Inject
+ lateinit var turtle1: Turtle
+ @Inject
+ lateinit var turtle2: Turtle
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ... omitted
dogTextView1.text = "injected: ${snoopy1}"
dogTextView2.text = "injected: ${snoopy2}"
+ turtleTextView1.text = "injected: ${turtle1}"
+ turtleTextView2.text = "injected: ${turtle2}"
You'll see this:

Noticed that the count of the 2 turtles both have count = 0
, they are the same instance! We have successfully created a scope! 🎉
In this post, we have created a scope called ApplicationScope
. However there is a default scope called @Singleton
that has already been defined in javax.inject
. If you need to make a Singleton
in your code, you can simple reuse @Singleton
. Remember that @Singleton
has nothing special or different from the @ApplicationScope
we just defined, it is simply another class annotated with @Scope
Here's the source code, which is the same as ApplicationScope
(it looks a little different from our ApplicationScope just simply because it's written in Java):
* Identifies a type that the injector only instantiates once. Not inherited.
* @see javax.inject.Scope @Scope
public @interface Singleton {}
When to use scope?
When to use scope will depends on your needs. If you need only 1 instance, or if you need to make a new one everytime.
For example, the network client retrofit
, it makes sense to use the same instance so that they share the same caching, so we can use the @Singleton
scope. Another example of @Singleton
is the database
, because we only need the same instance.
As for a non-singleton example, let's say we want to log the time a user spend on each page. So we created a class called class TimerLogger
. For this class, it should NOT be a singleton, otherwise the TimeLogger
for our 'HomePage' might log 30 seconds. When a user visits the 'SearchPage', Dagger will give us the SAME TimerLogger
, and the loggin will start from 30 seconds, which is wrong! So in this case, we will use an unscoped one to obtain a new instance every time.
Subcomponent & more fine-tuned scopes
You might wonder if it's possible to create a more fine-tuned scopes. The answer is yes! Since scope is tied to a component, we will need to create subcomponent
in order to have a more fine-tuned scope. That will be covered in a future blog post!
It's been a while since I wrote the last time. Dagger Part III was written more than 1 year ago. Finally got myself back to writing.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you found that I have mistakes in my post. 🌻
Thanks for reading!

Tan Jun Rong
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