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A web developer that is fueled by coffee ☕

Recent Posts

TypeScript: Understanding how Omit = Pick + Exclude

The Pick and Exclude types are part of the utility types provided in TypeScript. The Pick utility type was introduced in TypeScript 2.1. Later on, in TypeScript 2.8, the Exclude type was added. The combination of these two utility types enables th...

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Refactor the TSLint Configuration using 'extends'

Adding linters would help to make your project more robust as it might be able to catch programming errors, bugs, typos and etc. If you are using Typescript, you could use TSLint to lint your project. The full list of lint rules are available here...

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Housekeeping the Webpacker /packs folder

If you're using Webpacker in your Rails app to manage javascript or assets, you might have noticed the public/packs folder is pilling up with compiled files. In development, Webpacker could be configured to compile on demand whenever app/javascrip...

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