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JC Tan

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Laravel - Medium Editor + Image Plugin Integration

Our goal today is to integrate Medium Editor into Laravel. As of this post, I am using Laravel 5.7 but it should work across all Laravel 5.x version. A sample version of how Medium Editor looks like can be viewed at the official demo page of the ...

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Laravel & DataTable - Passing Data

With DataTable setup in Laravel, we can retrieve data from our data source and initialise DataTable and let it do its magic. Dirty and Quick Way - Not recommended A very simple example of retrieving all the books from our Book model and dumping t...

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Laravel & DataTable - Installation

Information are being shown everywhere in tabular form, the normal HTML table is not enough in this data-driven era to just show data out right, most of the time we would need to paginate, search, sort and perform various actions to the data. Thi...

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